Q: How long does the inspection take?
A: Usually a house that is under 2,000 sq. ft takes around two hours if it is in good
condition. Houses that are larger or that need extensive repair take longer. Also,
expect more time for pools.
Q: Should I be present for the inspection?
A: I always recommend that the buyer is there. This is a great way to learn about
some of the systems of your new home as well as getting a first hand look at
whatever problems are found.
Q: If the house I’m looking at is only a few years old, should I still get anÂ
A: Yes, I almost always find problems in new houses, even ones that have never
been lived in. There are many construction defects to look out for as well. Never
assume that just because your house is only a few years old that there are no
problems to be found in it.
Q: Is it true there are a lot of problems with foreclosures?
A: Not always. We do see a lot of damage to properties and the removal of
appliances, light fixtures, etc. but some foreclosed homes are in very good
condition. Getting a home inspection gives you the information to make the
best decision possible.